Distributed Systems

Image Source: wizard zines


You might have started reading this blog post with some curiosity. For one, the title might have left more questions than answers unless you’re well-versed in big data analytics or distributed systems. Let’s begin by introducing the concept of distributed systems in computing. From there, we’ll explore broadcasting in these systems and finally dive into the specifics of broadcasting in Spark. I hope you enjoy the journey.

Distributed Computing Systems

Imagine you love to cook, and your friends always rave about your dishes. Encouraged by their compliments, you decide to open your restaurant. Initially, you’re the only chef handling everything yourself. But as word spreads, business booms and you quickly realize you can’t manage it alone. You hire more chefs and expand your kitchen to keep up with demand.

Now, on a busy evening, your kitchen is abuzz with activity. Each chef works at a different station—one handling appetizers, another on main courses, and so on. Together, they ensure that every dish is prepared perfectly and served on time. This setup is much like a distributed system in computing:

  • Chefs as Nodes: Each chef in your kitchen is like a node in a distributed system, working independently yet contributing to the same larger goal.
  • Division of Labor/Stations as Subsystems: Different dishes are prepared at different stations, just as tasks in a distributed system are divided among various nodes.
  • Coordination: As the head chef, you ensure that all stations work in sync, much like how a distributed system coordinates the work of its nodes to produce the final output.
  • Parallel Processing: Multiple dishes are prepared simultaneously at different stations, just as tasks are processed in parallel across multiple nodes in a distributed system, improving speed and efficiency.
  • Fault Tolerance: If a chef burns a dish, the kitchen adapts without disrupting the entire operation. Similarly, a distributed system continues to function smoothly even if one or more nodes fail.

Just as your restaurant thrives by distributing the workload across multiple chefs, distributed computing systems efficiently handle large tasks by dividing them across multiple computers. The benefits of distributed computing are tremendous, many of which you can read about in this AWS Article, this IBM Article, or this Geeks for Geeks Post. Now, onto broadcasting.

Broadcasting (As it applies to Distributed Computing)

After several months of running your restaurant smoothly with a trusted team of chefs, you take a well-deserved break. Your travels take you to Europe, where one of your stops is the historic Bletchley Park in Milton Keynes, renowned for its pivotal role in World War II. Bletchley Park was where brilliant minds, including Sir Alan Turing, Gordon Welchman, Joan Clarke, and many others, worked tirelessly to crack the German Enigma code. The complexity of these codes meant that a single person, or even a small team, couldn’t break them quickly enough to be effective. So, the Government Code & Cypher School (GC&CS) assembled a large team of experts, creating what was effectively a distributed system.

At Bletchley Park, each codebreaker worked simultaneously on different parts of the problem, much like nodes in a distributed computing network. But before they could begin their work, they needed to be equipped with critical information—cipher keys, known plaintexts, and the latest intelligence. This process of equipping every codebreaker with the necessary data is akin to broadcasting in distributed computing. Once they had this information, they could work independently, much like how nodes process tasks in parallel. The distributed system at Bletchley Park, powered by the efficient broadcasting of information, was crucial in breaking the Enigma code and contributing significantly to the Allied victory.

In distributed computing, broadcasting refers to the process of sending a piece of data to all nodes in a cluster, allowing them to use the data locally without requiring repeated network communication. This approach minimizes communication overhead and enables more efficient computation, much like how the codebreakers at Bletchley Park worked more effectively with the information they were given.

Broadcasting in Spark

Apache Spark is a powerful open-source distributed computing system designed for fast data processing on large-scale datasets. It is widely used in big data analytics because it performs complex computations quickly and efficiently across a cluster of computers. Spark builds upon the Hadoop ecosystem and can work seamlessly with the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). HDFS is a distributed storage system that allows Spark to store and access large datasets across multiple nodes in a cluster. This distributed storage capability is crucial for handling massive volumes of data, enabling Spark to process them in parallel across many machines.

However, when working with large datasets and complex computations, efficient data sharing across the nodes becomes essential. This is where the concept of broadcasting comes into play. In Spark, broadcasting is a mechanism that allows a small dataset or a piece of data to be efficiently shared with all the nodes in the cluster. Instead of sending the same data multiple times to different nodes, Spark broadcasts the data once to all nodes. Each node then stores a local copy of the broadcasted data, allowing it to access the data quickly without repeatedly fetching it from the driver or another central location. Let’s consider join operations in Spark as an example of how this works.

Shuffling: The Default Approach for Joins

In distributed computing, particularly in Spark, one of the critical operations is joining datasets. Spark uses a technique called shuffling when performing certain operations on datasets, such as joins, grouping, and aggregations. Shuffling redistributes the data across different nodes in a Spark cluster, grouping data elements that need to be processed together on the same node. For instance, in a join operation, shuffling ensures that matching keys from different datasets are brought together in the same partition, allowing the join to be executed.

While shuffling is effective in ensuring that data is correctly aligned for operations like joins, it comes with significant downsides, mainly when dealing with large datasets:

  • Increased Network Traffic: Shuffling involves redistributing data across the network, which can substantially increase network traffic. This can be particularly problematic for large datasets, where the volume of data being transferred can become a bottleneck.
  • High I/O: As data is shuffled, it often needs to be written to and read from the disk, increasing disk I/O operations. This further slows the computation, especially if the disks are not fast enough to handle the load.
  • Resource Intensity: Shuffling is resource-intensive, requiring significant computational power and memory. This can lead to longer processing times and increased costs, especially in cloud environments where resources are billed based on usage.

Broadcasting: A More Efficient Alternative

To mitigate the downsides of shuffling, especially for join operations involving a large dataset and a smaller one, Spark employs the concept of broadcasting. Broadcasting is particularly useful when one of the datasets in a join operation is small enough to fit into the memory of each node. Instead of shuffling both datasets to bring matching keys together, Spark broadcasts the smaller dataset to all nodes in the cluster. Here’s how it works:

Imagine Spark needs to join a large dataset with a much smaller one. The large dataset is already distributed across the cluster's nodes. If Spark used shuffling, it would have to redistribute the data in large and small datasets, grouping matching entries together. This would involve significant network transfer and could be highly inefficient.

Instead, with broadcasting, Spark sends a single copy of the smaller dataset to each node. Each node then performs the join locally, using its portion of the large dataset and the broadcasted small dataset. This approach yields advantages in reduced network traffic (large amounts of data are not shuffled across the network; only the small dataset is broadcasted, resulting in a reduction in the amount of data that needs to be transferred), faster computation (as each node can perform the join operation locally without needing to wait for data from other nodes and without the need for extension disk I/O, as the data is already in memory), efficient resource utilization (as the need for shuffling is eliminated, broadcasting reduces the strain on computational and memory resources; reducing the overall cost of running Spark jobs).

More on Broadcasting in Spark

It is vital to appropriately leverage broadcasting to truly make Spark computations more efficient. When performing operations such as joins or aggregations, where a small dataset needs to be applied to a large one, using Spark’s Broadcast variables can significantly improve performance. Spark automatically distributes these broadcast variables to all the nodes, which remain cached in memory on each node, allowing for fast access. Developers can create broadcast variables using the SparkContext.broadcast() method, ensuring the data is distributed efficiently across the cluster. You can learn more about using broadcasting in spark operations with these articles: Broadcast variables in spark work like they sound, Understanding Broadcast Variables In Apache Spark.

Automatic Broadcasts and the Spark Broadcast Threshold in Spark

Spark further simplifies the use of broadcasting by automatically determining when to broadcast small datasets during certain operations like joins. By default, Spark automatically broadcasts any dataset that is smaller than a predefined threshold, known as the broadcast threshold. This threshold is controlled by the configuration parameter spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold, which is set to 10 MB by default (and maxes out at 8GB). When a dataset falls below this size, Spark will automatically broadcast it to all nodes in the cluster without requiring explicit instructions from the developer. This automatic broadcasting is particularly useful because it optimizes performance without the need for manual intervention, allowing Spark to handle joins more efficiently by avoiding unnecessary shuffling.

Despite the performance improvements from broadcasting, it’s essential to be mindful of the broadcast threshold and how broadcasting is used in general. While broadcasting small datasets can significantly improve performance, attempting to broadcast datasets that are too large can lead to memory issues, as each node must store the entire broadcasted dataset in memory. If a dataset exceeds the broadcast threshold and is still small enough to benefit from broadcasting, the threshold can be adjusted by setting the spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold parameter to a higher value. Conversely, if broadcasting is not desirable for certain operations, this threshold can be lowered to prevent automatic broadcasts. Understanding and tuning this threshold allows developers to strike the right balance between leveraging Spark’s automatic optimizations and effectively managing the resources available in their cluster.


Broadcasting in Spark is a powerful tool for optimizing distributed computations, mainly when dealing with large datasets and complex operations like joins. By minimizing network traffic and reducing the need for shuffling, broadcasting can significantly improve the efficiency and speed of your Spark applications. Understanding when and how to use broadcasting and tuning the broadcast threshold is crucial for maximizing the performance of your Spark jobs. With these insights, you can make more informed decisions that enhance the effectiveness of your distributed data processing.


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